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Drinks Fruit liqueurs Intoxicated honey.

Drinks for domestic preparation.

In the most general (common) approach (approximation) the technology of preparation of cooked honey was such: honey honey planted water and filtered through an often sieve (to separate impurity of wax). In filtered honey added hop (half-buckets on pood of honey) and cooked until a liquid not boiled away up to half. After that her (it) poured out in copper utensils, cooled and threw in it (her) the rye bread smeared with treacle and yeast. When the mix started to wander her (it) merged in flanks. Flanks corked also lowered (omitted) in a glacier where them maintained rather long time. Thus, in the given example, cooked "obarniy" honey.

White honey

1,5 kg. Honey (white), 8 litre Waters, 0,5 teaspoons of gelatin, 2 dining rooms of the spoon of hop, 1 - 2 sunflower seeds of cardamom.

Honey to put in the enameled bucket, to fill 8 litre. Boiled water and to leave till next day. For the second day a mix to boil within 1 hour. Then, to add hop, to boil with small breaks 4 more - 5 times. When honey will cool down up to room temperature, to pour it(him) in a strong keg, having added in him(it) cardamom and the gelatin dismissed in water. It is good to cork.

After honey will be insisted and refermented during 15 - 20 days, to pour it (him) in bottles which are good for corking, combining in a cellar and to fall asleep sand. Honey will be ready to the use in 3 months.

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