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Domestic preparations Cherry compote Apricot jam.

Domestic preparations.

1 kg of apricots, 1 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water

To take apricots of the identical size and a maturity. To cut half-and-half, to split "apricot core" and to pull out a nucleus. Slices an apricot to combine in a saucepan, to fall asleep sugar and to fill with a glass of water. To leave at 2 o'clock. To put on fire, cautiously stirring slowly, to finish with boiling and to boil 5-7 minutes. To remove(take off) from fire. To cool during one hour. Then to put a nucleus of an apricot in jam and to cook 5-7 more minutes.

To prepare banks. To take three banks on 700 gramme, carefully to wash hot water with soda, to scald boiled water for 3 minutes. Banks to put a neck downwards on a towel, that glasses all water. Covers to boil during 5 minutes. Hot jam to spread out in dry banks and to close a cover. To store(keep) jam in a dry dark place.

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